Wednesday, December 1, 2010


i took this for a proportion shot  the boot makes the table look smaller than it really is.

Sunday, November 28, 2010


             I watched a movie in class called Baraka. It was Images and mini video clips of different places all around the world. This movie  has no dialog but it does have background music. Ti me i found this Movie very hard to watch at some parts because to me some of the scenery shots were not interesting. On the contrast they're were some very interesting parts especially when they were about the different cultures and the people in the different cultures.
           In this Movie the only place I think they did not go was to thee north and south pole. Th movie showed many different cultures and how they went about there every day lives, there spiritual gatherings and dances. It also showed the difference of men and woman in some cultures how they have two totally different places to bath. I found this very interesting . I liked all of the video of the different cultures dancing and just the different ceremony's they have.
          I would not recommend this movie to any one who does not like pictures of scenery or clip of different cultures also I would never recommend this movie to some one who does not like silent movies. I would recommend this movie to anyone who like; silent movies, pictures of scenery and clips of different cultures. If you like silent movie but do not like scenery or culture then i would not recommend this movie to you. If you like scenery or clips of culture i would recommend this movie to you. I hope you watch and enjoy this movie.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thank You

Dear Shivani,
thank you so much for your input on my photos. I am glad you liked them and hope you had fun looking through them. In the future i can not wait to learn how to make an album.
From Katrina


Deaer Trea,
    I leanrned that you love concerts. I see in your photo that you enjoyed warped tour. I saw a few lines and some 3rds in your photos. I think if i go bacvk through your photo's I will defainatly find more elements. IO really like your photos. i hope you enjoy more concerts.
From Katrina

Monday, October 25, 2010

portriats pg 114-119

shooting formal backround
  • set up back drop it can be basicly anything that is plain like a wall,paper or a curtian then have ur subject si on stool
  • place light at 45 degree angle to the right side of the subject reflector on the left side about 3-4 feet away
  • talk picture directly infront of subject tell subject what to do
Camra setttings
  • good to shoot with a wide ope aperture
  • f stop will keep subject in focus
  • if posible shutter speed no lower than 1/60
Lighting for formal portriats
  • for a single source of lighting set up one light aproxmatly 45 degree angle use reflector (white card board)
   Out doors
  • while shooting out side try to use shade so subjects won't squint
  • you want to include blue sky but not direct sunlight
  • refflcto holder stands about 3-6 feet away
  • clody days are good for photographing
  • avoid busy backgrounds
The candid portriat
  • show person going about every day life (not looking at camra usually)
  • very little posing
  • include subjects suroundings
camera settings
  • use action mode
  • fast shutter speed like 1/250
  • if you use flash get close

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Pg 140-pg149

Blurs types
camra  blur
subject motion blur
out of focus blur
depth of field blur

bluring subject give motion

freezing moment in time


Action Photography
Blur it give you movment
Pan you would us it if some one was running
Freeze a moment in time that is frozen perfectly

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Note on portriat Part 2

Working with people
  • Collaborative project
  • Successful photographers learn to be comfortable with strangers
Camera format
  • This is important
  • 4x5 is very large and show a lot of detail but takes a long time to process
  • Small photo less detail quicker process
Film Choice
  1. Slow
  • Black and white film or dye is moor detailed than color
  • shutter speed slow
  2. Fast
  • candid and environmental are good to take
  • Advantage you can hold camera
  • Sharp image
Black and white or color
  • Black and white good for attention on subject
  • Black and white edgy energy
  • Color is preferred for portraits always consider mood while choosing black and white or color
Equipment choice of lenses
  • Different focus lenses gives you different results
  • 24mm - distorted, to close face looks like balloon,
  • 50mm- less round, less broad, distortion is acceptable
  • 100mm- Most faltering, no distortion
  • Tripod, cable release and reflector are all good
Formal portrait
  • Simplest portrait

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Monday, October 4, 2010

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Sports photograpgy

  • closer the better (zoom)
  • Timing and reacting is important
  • Reduce background noise
  • Take photos vertical
  • rule of 3rds is good to use
  • fast shutter speed

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Matthew Jordaan
This is Matthew Jordaan he is a photojournlist. He has a blog with his photos on it. I like some of his photographs. I think they are very cool and intresting. He does not only do photojournlism but he also does many difrent types of pgotography. whitch i think is relay cool. So yes I chose Mathew Jordaan becasue i like his photos on his blog below is a link.

Monday, September 13, 2010

The scene is of the San Fransisco, The event was the 1906 earth quake, it was important to San Fransisco becasue nothing like this happened before. UC Berkley 06, straight ahead, it emphasized the street and people, mood almost disbelief. 
The scene is 4 men eating, the event is the great depression, it is a impact becasue this happens to a lot of people, Call Christ today,  well it is in a line, emphasized first man and the soup bowls, impact is like Omg i hope that never happens to me.
The scene is of a woman and a little boy, The event is The earth quake in Haiti, it is important becasue this shows any thing can happen at any time, BCS Abundant life Family practice, they framed it from looking up, Emphasis is on woman and little boy.   Mood is sad and depressed.
The scene is twin towards falling. 9-11 is the event, It is important becasue this was a very important incident in time. Israel news agency staff, they framed it in 3rds, they emphasized the explosion, the mood is not happy.
The scene is 2 guys trying to stay above the water, The event is Hurricane Katrina, It is important becasue it was huge natural disaster, The picture was taken by Carol. J Williams, i guess they framed it in thirds, they emphasize the people in the boat, mode is just normal but the picture is very intense.