Monday, May 2, 2011

                  Texting while driving has become a huge issue. There are many accidents caused by texting and driving. If you drive and text your steering capability goes down 91%. When you text and drive your reaction time is decreased 35%. And you are 23 times more likely to get into an accident while driving and texting. These statistics are growing. Don’t become a number. Please don’t drive while intexticated.  

Monday, March 21, 2011

Andy Warhol

·         Real name is Andrew Warhola (8/6/28-2/22/87) (Became Warhol after a misprint)
o   Born in Pittsburgh, PA, Parents from Czechoslovakia (does not exist anymore)
o   Father worked in a coal mine
·         In High School, kicked out of art club because he was “too good”
Graduated from the Carnegie Institute of Technology (Bachelor of Fine Arts)
·         Graduated with degree for pictorial design & wanted to become a commercial illustrator
·         Designed advertisements for women’s shoes
·         Used Polaroid camera
·         Fear of hospitals and doctors, hypochondriac
·         Favorite print making technique was silk screening
·         Friends & family described him as a workaholic
·         His sexuality was speculated upon and how this influenced his relationship to art is “a major subject of scholarship on the artist”
·         First solo expedition in 1952
·         Coined the term “15 minutes of fame”
·         1960s: iconic American products (pop art)
·         Created The Factory, his NYC studio from 1962-1968
·         Celebrity portraits developed into one of the most important aspects of his career
·         Made films (first one called Sleep – 6 hours of a man sleeping) (1963)
·         1965 said he was retiring from painting
o   1972 returned to painting
·         Designed cover for the Rolling Stones’ album Sticky Fingers (cover made out of real jean material)
·         Produced Velvet Underground’s first album
·         Started a magazine called Interview, worked for Glamour Magazine, Vogue
·         Shot by Valerie Solanas 3 times for being abusive and “too controlling” (6/3/68)
o   Solanas authored the S.C.U.M. Manifesto, a separatist feminist document
o   "Before I was shot, I always thought that I was more half-there than all-there – I always suspected that I was watching TV instead of living life. People sometimes say that the way things happen in movies is unreal, but actually it's the way things happen in life that's unreal. The movies make emotions look so strong and real, whereas when things really do happen to you, it's like watching television – you don't feel anything. Right when I was being shot and ever since, I knew that I was watching television. The channels switch, but it's all television."
·         Marilyn Monroe = favorite model (not painted until after death)
·         Wore silver wigs until he dyed his hair silver
·         Practicing Ruthenian Rite Catholic who described himself as a religious person
·         Died of a heart attack brought on by a gall bladder surgery and water intoxication
·         $100,000,000 for one of his paintings (highest amount paid) (“Eight Elvises”)
·         Referred to as the “Prince of Pop”


Monday, March 14, 2011

photoshop x-tra credit

For this altered photo I used fish eye effect. this is this is to make the desired area stick out. in thin particular photo I used the city hall building in SF.  There is few step however they have to be executed well.I found this fun and interesting.
This picture was the ripple effect I made it in photo shop. There are multiple step is making this picture they take a while to complete. If you mess up one of the steps you will mess up the photo. I found this very hard and difficult. They result is very different then what I thought it was going to be.
This picture was a picture of a cow at UC Davis. i then used photo shop's threshold to make this cow look red. I found this process fun once i understood and once i remembered all of the steps. i also changed the back ground after i finished the picture.
I went out on the mercy campus and two too different photo's one was of a tree and the together of the field. i then came back to the class room and i blend the two in photo shop. i found this fun and interesting.
This was also taken on the mercy campus  i took a picture of a chair and a picture of a flower. Then i cut the flower out of it picture. Then shrunk it and then stuck multiples of it on the chair. This was simple yet effective. i like this process.


This picture was alters in photo shop I am going to reflect on how I made this piece. I first looked through all of my most recent photographs and decided on the picture of the barn taken at UC Davis. I then eight clicked on the photograph then selected open and then selected Photo shop. Once I opened it up in Photo shop I was considering what to do so I sat there for a moment. I turned to one of my friends and asked them if they liked the picture they said that it would be a great photo if there was not the nasty mud and hay mess in the front of the photograph. Turned back to my computer looked at the photo for a little it longer then I realized what my friend said was true. Then I began to work on the photograph. I got the cone stamp tool and I cloned one of the hay piles and then stamped it in to the nasty mud spot in the front. I finally finish stamping in my fake hay pile. I then took a long look at my picture thinking what to do next then I thought it would be cool to put a fake background into the photo. I went on to the Internet and searched around Google images for a while then I thought of elephants and sunsets and I typed it into the search bar and I found a very cool picture of a elephant and a sunset. I clicked on the image to make it larger then I right clicked on it and saved it to my desktop. Then I exited out of the Internet and opens up my Photo shop window then I went to the tool bar and coiled file then open and I got my saved photo into photo shop. Now I needed to make the to images the same size so they would both correspond to each other. I went to image and then selected image size and then made my to image the same size. After that I then I used the clone stamp tool and I cloned the elephant sunset and then I stamped it into the background of the barn photo. That is how I made this photoshopped picture.      

Thursday, February 24, 2011

little toy

photo shopped old and new cliff house

at windmill

at Sutro bath

at beach

at cliff house


I copy and pasted the picture Justin Beiber, the leaning tower of piza, and a random building using photo shop

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Ocean Beach Abstract

Ocean Beach Big View

Ocean Beach Big View edited

Ocean Beach Abstract 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Big Picture 1 - San Fransisco (down town)
Detail picture 2- William and Sonoma San Fransisco

Big Picture 3- down town San Fransisco

Detail 3- down town San Fransisco

Interior 3 - down town San Fransisco

Friday, January 21, 2011

Chapter 9

Thinking Artistically
  • Composition very important
  • you must pay attention when positioning camera even
  • Value is very important in black and white landscapes
  • always have a mood in mind and adjust to that mood
  • a good goal to achieve is a balance between unity and variety
  • extreme unity is with all parts of photo relate to each other
  • variety is the exact opposite where nothing relates but it make a very nice picture
  • unity= peaceful
  • Variety = energy

Camera Settings
  • 1st stop down the lens all the way
  • 2nd choose small f stop
  • tripod is necessary for sharp image

  • golden time for shooting landscapes before sunset and after sun rise
  • the color of light is warm and gold
  • best to l with direct light from distance
  • Landscape photos need to record as much as possible
  • use100 ISO with  35mm camera to capture all the detail
  • Black and white is Th choice for landscape photography

  • wide angle lens are preferred
  • for shooting mountains some photographers use  telephoto lens
  • Macro lenses are also used for really close photos

  • Very important part of landscape photo's
  • yellow filter to bring out clouds
  • also pairing these filters together gives even better effects to photo

Camera Support
  • when you combine slow films and Small f - stops you get  slow shutter
  • you will need  tripod to support camera to get sharp image

The Grand Landscape
  • "Big View: for photo's taken out side
  • You can take a ordinary house and by knowing how to take it the right way you make it as interesting as the grand Canyon
  • Wide Angle lens extremely helpful
  • use the 3rds rule when dealing with horizons
  • Photo shop can always give you that extra push to bring you photo from good to great

Landscape Details and close - ups
  • Parks are good for details
  • Japanese gardens are also very good because they have tones of details from interestingly placed rocks to miniature water falls.
  • bright sunny Day best for these photos
  • the value in  picture Can be more important than an camera can capture
  • right before sun rise or after sunset is best because it eliminates shadows
  • John Sexton calls it the "quite light"\
  • light meters make n exposure to take the middle grays out of the photo graph
  • light photos = slow shutter speed
  • dark photo's = fast shutter speed

Abstracted Element in the Landscape
  • abstract photo's contain line,shape, value and texture
  • tree bark is a perfect example
  • you must get really close to  Small part of your subject to make it abstract
  • telephoto or micro lens would work well for getting up close

Carr Clifton

Carr was born in California. He attended a collage in California were he received a degree in Commercial Photography. This was funny because he became famous for his landscape photographs. He is also know for going farther than anyone else has gone before with taking photographs. He photographs have appeared in many places books, and museums. more than likely you have seen his photographs and not known it was his.

This picture is very beautiful in my opinion. I like how the river draws your eye all the way back to the tree and then to the moutians then into the sunset. The river gives it line. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Timothy O'Sullivan

Timothy O'Sullivan was a classic photographer shooting allot of scenery. He was born in 1840. Timothy started his photography career in New York City he was about 30 years old. He worked for Mathew Brandy he was very well known for his studio work. Mathew Brandy h a group of photographers who h sent out to take photos of the civil war. In this group of photographers was Alexander Gardener he left the group and took Timothy O'Sullivan the best photographer in the group with him to open his own studio. After the civil war Timothy O'Sullivan was one of the first photographers to go to the west of America talk photographs of the scenery an take them back to the east coast so they all knew what wonders were to the west. AfterTimothy return to Washington DC h then died there 2 years later of Tuberculosis.

While Timothy was taking picture in the west the photos h took were of ; grand caynon, Colorado river, canyon DE chelle, and death valley.

canyon de chelle
The sunlight on the canyon wall and rocks spirals on them and makes them look three dimensional.

Death Valley

Grand canyon